Thursday, November 18, 2010

My Grandfather Ronald Lee Raley...

My Grandfather, or Papa as we grand kids have always called him, was truly a unique man. He was quick witted, he was intelligent, he had a great sense of humor and he was extremely kind. That's not to say he was a saint, for those of you that know him well he was also a bit of a spitfire. He had many legendary feuds with folks through out the years as well as a great many War of Words. Something I do not recommend anyone getting involved in because my grandfather could turn a phrase into a joke in about a half a second.  I had so much fun with him. He taught me so much. Some of you may know this story so I apologize but I grew up about 4 houses down from my grandfather. I would be sitting in my garage or front yard and I would see a Domino's pizza truck drive by, and I'm sure my grandfather would look at his watch and say "I suspect we will have company in about 45 seconds" and sure enough there I was for dinner #2, Pizza! What 10 year old could resist that? I remember sitting on the steps and putting together my first skateboard. My grandfather actually found an old board, painted it, painted a Santa Cruz logo on it and put trucks and wheels on it for me. My first fishing pole was given to me by my grandfather.

Some may not know this but Papa had many interests which is where I must get all of my interests from. He was a jack of all trades. He could play the organ extremely well.  He was really good with dogs, he had a passion for dogs. As a toddler I remember him having Rottweilers and before I was born it was German Shepard's. As he got older the dogs got smaller.  I remember after one of his dogs died, his name was Rogan, he bought a new Rottweiler puppy. I remember he paid a large sum of money something like $600.00 and this was in the mid 80's. The puppy came down with Parvo. Now most dogs once they get Parvo die very quickly, I think that most vet's actually recommend you put them down when diagnosed with the disease. Not Papa. He nursed this puppy back to health. The dog grew into a HUGE Rottweiler named Zack. My grandfather had patience like that. He had patience with me as he taught me various songs on the Organ. I remember I spent the day at his house one day and we practiced the Marine hymn over and over which was odd because he was in the air force. My grandfather was also a tremendous father as he raised my mother and uncle. I remember the respect and love my mother had for my grandfather to this day.  I remember being suspended from school one day for getting into a fist fight. I was definitely scared as it was my grandfather who was retired by then came to pick me up from school, we got home and got down into his living room, which was a converted garage, and he asked me "You know your not supposed to be fighting at school right?" I said "Yeah I know." And then he quietly said "Well did you win?" and I looked up and said "Yeah, I did." And he gave me a quick wink, and that was all he said about it. My mom got off work and came to pick me up from his house and she was fuming and my grandfather somehow was able to calm her down and get me out of hot water. I'll always love him for that one. The first time I shot a gun, it was my grandfathers. He came over to our house one day with two packages under his arm. My brother and I ripped into them. B-B guns! Red rider Daisey B-B guns! I was 11 years old. The cats, birds, windows of my neighbor hood would never be the same. My grandfather had a passion for automobiles just as I do. He loved all cars, big small, fast or slow. I took many of my first camping trips in his truck and camper that we later bought from him. He sometimes went through several cars in a short amount of time, a habit I have unfortunately inherited from him!
I will miss him dearly, he was always there when I needed him. He was always there to listen, to guide, to lean on.  He has been a constant in my life when so many things have not been. I feel truly blessed to have known him and loved him. He was the best grandpa a kid could ever have asked for.  He helped me to be patient, to help others when I could and to be honest.
I want to thank everyone for coming today. I know some of you may have had to travel great distance's to be here. I also want to thank someone in particular for all that she has done for my grandfather, actually her whole family.
Meryl and her family have been so incredibly kind to my grandfather and my family. He was so lucky to have found you and lived out his later years with you. You took such good care of him I am deeply grateful for all you have given to him and to me. I am so happy that he was able to find someone so special to be with. Thank you all so much for everything you've done.
Papa, if your listening, we love you, we miss you, you will be in our hearts forever.Pictures of Papa

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

The obsession con... I mean the hobby continues...

So my neighbor was having a garage sale and I saw a bunch of motorcycles parked out front so I decided to go down there to check them out. I remember him riding around on a really clean old school Suzuki enduro that looked like fun. Unfortunately he wasn't selling that bike. He did have a pretty complete but kinda nasty looking little Yamaha 100 2-stroke enduro though. I talked to him for a few minutes and heard some of the prices he was selling stuff for and offered him $25.00 for the Yamaha. He took it. I rolled the bike home and have been messing with it a little bit here and there.

So then I'm on craigslist trolling for cheap bikes and I came across a neat little Yamaha DT 175 enduro. (Enduro's were really popular in the 70's they are basically an all purpose motorcycle that you can take on trails and on the street) I emailed the seller and eventually talked him down to a number we both could live with. Of course the guy lived BALLS DEEP (as billy and I like to call it) in the Bay Area. I couldn't sucker anyone to drive with me so I made the trek solo all the way up to.... Windsor CA. This is north of Santa Rosa. Anyway I test rode the bike, liked it, bought it. I included pics of both of my new acquisitions!

Friday, November 5, 2010

Halloween 2010 pictures and I apologize to anyone who I may have been rude to...

So Halloween came and went. Jacelyn and I had a lot of fun. We visited several parties and overall it was a lot of fun. We started off at Jacelyn's cousin Jackie and Alex's house (I'm sorry we did not say goodbye, my only excuse is I was all ready a little bit drunk and I figured with all the people there we wouldn't be missed). We then went to a party out in Riviera Cliff's, I don't know who's house it actually was but it was BIG. We ended up going to my good friend Steve Clark's always eventful Halloween bonanza. I will spare you the details and just post a few pics. Enjoy.