Monday, October 18, 2010

That hurt... alot.

Let me share this little nugget of knowledge that I just learned 'the hard way' on Friday. I started my tattoo on Thursday but my artist (Paul) ran out of time and we had to stop. He gave me two options, finish on Friday or wait until it healed and come back a week or so later. I chose to return the next day. Paul warned me that "It hurts like 7-8 times more, seriously." I didn't believe him then, but I do now. I returned the next day and Paul went to work. I don't know if it hurt 7-8 times MORE but it definitely hurt a considerable amount more then a normal tattoo. They all hurt depending on the part of the body your getting tattooed, your tolerance for pain, how big and detailed the tattoo is etc. etc. So here's the lesson, either get it ALL done in one sitting or wait until your tattoo is healed before returning for another sitting.

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