Wednesday, October 13, 2010

For Mom...

This is the eulogy I wrote for my mother's funeral. It's posted on my old Myspace blog but since I'm not using that anymore I'm going to repost some of my favorite blogs from that site.  This one is a must.

I never imagined that I would be here having to say these things at this time. The greatest tragedy that I see in my mom's passing is that the world is a little worse off now that she's gone. I knew this day would come I just didn't expect it to come so soon. It's way too soon and it's not fair and it doesn't make ANY sense to me but here we are. I am so proud that I called Lynn my mother. I am so proud of her for her courage throughout her ordeal. I want to say the things I think my mom would say and I want to tell everyone here who knew her as a friend what she meant to me as a mother. She was without a doubt the world's best mother. She was everything a mother was supposed to be. Kind, patient, supportive, caring, fun and FULL of love. She had so much love for everyone. My mom supported me in every way. Every interest or idea that I had she was a fan of. Except when I wanted to be a cop, she was not down with that. But she was still my biggest fan. She absolutely adored me and my brother and all children in general. She loved kids and kids loved her back. What hurts the most for me is that my children and my brothers children will never get to know her. I know that I will spend hours and hours telling them stories of there other grandma and how great she was. How funny and clever she was. But those thoughts don't help so I have to concentrate on the good rather then the negative. I know as I look around that everyone in this room loved my mom a lot. Just as I loved her. And I know that she loved every single person in this room with her entire heart. That was one of her greatest gifts. Her compassion, her ability to love unconditionally and to love without hesitation. She had the capacity to love someone so much that it made you feel special and warm and that's why we all adored her so much. She just made you feel good when you were around her. There was one exception though to my mom's love. TELEMARKETERS, SHE HATED THOSE PEOPLE. Seriously though she loved everyone at Dameron hospital. That was her second home. You all know how great of a nurse she was and how she cared for her patients and friends as much as she cared for her own family. I hope to carry this on in my life. To care for others, to show compassion and kindness to everyone I meet just as my mother did. I'd like to thank everyone who helped my mother in any way. I can't begin to try to name you all but you know who you are. You were exceptionally kind and loving towards all of us and my mom especially and I want to tell you how special that was. I do want to mention one person in particular though and that's Marla. Marla and Doug have been vital to all of us as a family my mom especially. My mom chooses her friends wisely and Marla has been a truly great friend and sense of strength through out this ordeal. The last thing that I want to say is how inspired I have been by my father. I am sure everyone here would agree that there never was a better husband, partner or friend to my mother. My dad has shown me what it is to be a stand up person. He has shown me the true meaning of being a man. He has shown me what true love really is and what a husband SHOULD be like. My mom always relied on my dad's strength. They were truly meant for each other and they taught each other a lot through out there time together. My mom is in a better place. I feel truly blessed to have known her and been as close to her as I was. The legacy she leaves behind is the amount of love that she showed each and everyone of us and hopefully we continue that practice in our own lives. WE WILL ALL miss her more then words can say and I know that she would want us all to go on with our lives and try to be as happy as we can be and to love life and laugh and live it just as she did. I want everyone to know that my mom is at peace and that she loved all of you more then you'll ever know.

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