So being a teacher is great. You get EVERY evening off, you get EVERY weekend off and you get every holiday PLUS several weeks OFF. The very best part though is that at the end of the day I KNOW that someone's life is better off because of me. I KNOW that I have made a difference in the world and a contribution to society. I know I have a HUGE impact on other people's lives in a positive way. One of my co-teachers had a really bad day the other day and she was venting to us at the end of the day. As she walked out to her car she discovered that a student had written all over it with a pen, she was beside herself. Now I have had my share of car's keyed so I know exactly how she felt. Whats crazy is that I am so used to it that it no longer bothers me. It's kind of like letting a student get you mad. Whats the point of getting mad? That's what they want. Eventually you stay calm and you look at it as nothing personal, it's just business. A student cusses me out and acts all crazy, whats the point in my reacting with anger. THEY are the ones who are crazy and have issues, why make THEIR issues, MY issues? So I don't. My coworker and I started to check out the damage and luckily we were able to get all of the pen off the car. She had much better day today thankfully and was in high spirits. She had to park her car down the street and walk several blocks in order to avoid more damage being done to her car but, such is life. It made me think of this saying, and that's why I'm blogging it because it was a nice way of looking at being a teacher. Mailmen get bitten by dogs, Policemen get shot, Firemen get burnt or suffocated, sometimes teachers car's get keyed.
Besides, how many jobs do YOU know where you only work 180 days out of the year but get paid for working all 12 months?
Josh you have such a good outlook on life and are a good influence for other people. I am so happy to call you my friend. Jan